Thursday, September 1, 2011

How fast Google crawling this site

Write an article and check how much time it is taking for google to crawl your blog and share your comments here.

you commnet-I follow!
This is a do follow site.If your blog is new or if it is taking too much time to crawl your site,No Problem! Make google to crawl your site faster by leaving comments here with a link back to your blog.

How to add a PAYPAL DONATE button to your Blogger

Let's see how to put a Paypal donation button in your blogger.

1.First,Log in to your Paypal account.
First,Log in to your Paypal accoun
2.Click on the 'Merchant Services' tab (see at the top of the page).

Click on the 'Merchant Services' tab (see at the top of the page)
3.Scroll down the window and you will see an option "Donations" in the right sidebar.Click on it!
Scroll down the window and you will see an option

4.Now,you will see some options like Donation name/service ,donation id,etc etc...
The first field (Donation name/service) is the only thing that is required and all the remaining fields are optional.
Enter that first field,choose a button style,scroll down the window and click on "Create a button Now"
click on

5.Now,you will see some html code... Copy it and sign in to your blogger dashboard »» Click on the layout »» Add a Page element »» html/javascript »» and paste that html code and SAVE THE CHANGES.

Here is how the button will look in your sidebar

How To Get Adsense ads inside or between blog posts

How to place adsense ads between Blog posts:

By doing this,the adsense units will be displayed between the blog posts in the homepage,archive pages and permalink(individual post pages).
Follow the procedure to do this:

1.Sign in to your blogger dashboard>click on the layout link

2.Click on the Edit link in the "Blog Posts' column
..............a pop up window opens..........
3.Check the box next to 'Show ads between Posts'

next,configure the ads,choose the format,colours,etc and SAVE THE CHANGES.That's it! Now your adsense ads will show between blog posts.

How to disable right click in blogger(blogspot) or any webpage

If you want to protect your images,my suggestion is to add a Watermark(logo) of your sitename,or your name on the images,pictures,etc.
Note:Using this javascript code,you only disable the right click by warning the visitors that the content is copyrighted.

That's all my personal opinion,However if you despirately want to add this feauture,You can get this code here.

Where to paste it in blogger ?
Sign in to your blogger dashboad>layout>Add a Pageelement>html/javascript(look at the screenshot below)
and paste the below javascript code and Save the changes.

How it works?
If you right click on the webpage,a message will pop up on screen saying "function disabled".If you want to change the message to you own one like "sorry....the work is copyrighted" or something like that,replace the "funtion disabled" text with your own message in the Javascript code.

How To Get HOMEPAGE Only Widgets,links in Blogger:

HOMEPAGE Only widgets,links in Blogger:

As usual, if you want to add a new widget/gadget to your blog, just Sign into Blogger dashboard » Layout » Add a Gadget
and select the type of gadget you need and Save the Changes.

Next, we have to add a small piece of code to that widget, so.. it only displays in the Homepage. Just go to Edit html and tick on the 'Expand Widget Templates'.
Notes: Normally, the widgets in the template view starts with this one

<b:widget id=

For example, The label widget looks something like this:

<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Title' type='Label'>

and html widget looks like:

<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'>

and link list looks like this:

<b:widget id='LinkList2' locked='false' title='Title' type='LinkList'>

(If you want to know exactly what the widget id you need to change, just go to your blog and view the source code and find it.
In Firefox : View » Page Source
In IE : View » Source )

Just below that widget id link, You can see a b:includable tag like this..

<b:includable id='main'>

At this point, most of the task is completed.. Just we have to add a small piece of code below that b:includable tag..

the code is

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
and the last thing is, we have to close that b:if tag. Just add this code before the closing tag of b:includable.
Like this:


So, the final code looks similar like the below screenshot:

Finally it looks something like this
That's it! and Don't forget to Save the Changes.
Now, your desired widget/gadget can only be visible in Homepage.

Showing in only Post Pages (Permalink pages):

This will allow you to show a specific widget in only the Post Pages and not in the Homepage.
Just follow the same tutorial above but replace this code.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

with this one:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

Showing Widgets on a Specific Blog Post url:

If you want to dispaly a specific widget on on a particular blog post, just simply follow the above tutorial, but replace this code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

with this one:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "Blog Post URL"'>

That's it!
Like this post or have any questions? Comment here..

How To Add Widgets,Add-Ons & Tools for Your Blog,Website

Here's a collection of best and most useful blog widgets or add-ons that can be easily integrated with any website/blog. All these below add-ons are 100% Free and they are very easy to install.

Outbrain Star Ratings Widget: Very eager to know what your readers think about your posts?
Here is a cool star rating widget by Outbrain. The insttallation is very simple,
just follow the step by step instructions on their site.

Google Translate: This widget lets your non-English speakingGoogle translate widget
visitors to quickly translate your webpage in their native
language with just a single click.

Google Talk Badge: Google Talk Badge will let your visitors toGoogle talk badge
chat with you.The badge will active whenever you sign in to
Googletalk. The nice thing is your visitors can chat with you even
if they don't have a google account.

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